Get Peace of Mind with Exhale’s Home Guardian Services

Where did the year go? As the weather turns colder, many of us are making arrangements to visit friends and family in faraway places.
In 2022, 3.3 million North Carolinians traveled for the holidays. That’s a lot of turkey dinners, and a lot of empty homes left vulnerable to the unexpected. If you’re searching for a way to keep your home protected and cared for while you’re on the road, Exhale has a solution. Our Home Guardian Services keep a watchful eye on our members’ homes so they can enjoy their time away without worry.
Protect Your Home from Anywhere
Those Amazon deliveries are more vulnerable than you may think. Last year, porch pirates stole an estimated 260 million packages right off of Americans’ doorsteps. Since many people are choosing to do more and more of their holiday shopping online, these incidents tend to spike at the end of the year.
Not only are unattended packages susceptible to theft, but a build up of mail and deliveries is a tell-tale sign that lets would-be theives know your home is unnoccupied. Exhale Home Guardians protect your haven (and your gifts!) by ensuring that all deliveries are stowed safely inside your home.
Ease Winter-Weather Worries
North Carolina winters are unpredictable. Many homeowners’ biggest travel worry is that they will return home to damage caused by an unexpected freeze.
Power outages and burst pipes can lead to very expensive problems if they aren’t addressed right away. Your home guardian is here to protect your home from harsh weather and respond quickly to maintenance issues before they become disastrous.
Story Spotlight:
“A few days after Christmas, Exhale Service Pro Al did a Guardian Service walk at a member’s home. Rounding the corner to the back of the house, he found that their outdoor shower had frozen in the cold weather and was spurting water. Since Exhale had the access code to the house and knew where the shut-offs were, the water was immediately turned off and repairs were made. The homeowners didn’t return home from vacation for another 1.5 weeks, and their finished basement would likely have been flooded with tens of thousands of gallons of water by that time had Exhale not been doing Guardian Service.”
-Brian, Exhale Home Manager
Keep Your Home Running Beautifully
Trust your haven to the experts — no more asking friends and neighbors to water your plants and put out your recycling.
Your Home Guardian is so much more than a housesitter. At Exhale, we’re prepared to attend to the small-but-important details and troubleshoot any issues that come up in your absence so that your home is ready to welcome you back from your trip.
About Exhale Home Management Service
Exhale is a membership-based, full-suite home management service that turns Raleigh-area homes into luxurious havens. We provide our members with a full spectrum of concierge home care solutions, all with a refined and attentive approach. Click here to learn more about Exhale.